Thursday, January 29, 2015

Why Marshawn Lynch doesn't talk to media

It's about the team: Why Marshawn Lynch doesn't talk to media


With all of the attention that's been given to the so-called "deflate gate" over the past week, this year's Super Bowl is bound to be one to remember. Media Day was held recently, and Marshawn Lynch, running back for the Seattle Seahawks, was not in a talkative move. By NFL rules, all players must attend Media Day or else they will be punished with a hefty fine. When asked a question, Marshawn answered every one by saying, "I'm just here so I won't get fined." Now to some it may appear that Marshawn has an attitude and needs to "get over it," but the reason why he refuses to talk to the media actually makes a lot of sense. He states, "I'm not as comfortable...making it about me. ...It takes five offensive linemen, a tight end, a fullback and possibly two wide receivers, in order to make my job successful. But when I do interviews, most of the time it'll come back to me. There are only so many times I can say, 'I owe it to my offensive linemen,' or, 'The credit should go to my teammates,' before it becomes run down." Makes sense, huh?!?! New found respect for Marshawn Lynch! #MWTG325

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